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Sonderkolloquium: Amplitude Analysis of B to KKπ using Run 2 LHCb Data

Beginn: Ende: Veranstaltungsort: CP-03-123
Lucas Nicholas Falcão stellt am 20.03. das Thema "Amplitude Analysis of B to KKπ using Run 2 LHCb Data" vor.


This study presents the amplitude analysis of the B to KKπ decay using LHCb Run II data. The previous Run I analysis revealed one of the largest single-amplitude CP asymmetries observed, around -66%, highlighting the importance of revisiting this channel with improved statistics and modeling. This work refines the understanding of dominant S-wave contributions, which account for approximately 60% of the decay amplitude, and explores charmonium resonances.

Two models are considered: one incorporating PolarFFNR, and another using  to introduce a more dynamic representation of the  low-mass region. The baseline model includes resonances such as K0*(892), K0*(1430), ρ(1700), ρ(1450), f2(1270), Rescattering, Φ(1020), and χ_c.

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