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Department of Physics

Particles Colloquium: Cosmic-Ray Insights from NA61/SHINE at the CERN/SPS

Start: End: Location: Seminar room CP-03-123
On 02.02.2023 Dr. Michael Unger will speak on the topic "Cosmic-Ray Insights from NA61/SHINE at the CERN/SPS"

"Michael is a central figure at the Pierre Auger Observatory behind all measurements performed with the fluorescence telescopes, the primary author of some of the most cited Auger papers, and had several important convener roles in Auger. He is also a long-time member of NA61/SHINE, where he lead measurements that aim to reduce the uncertainties of hadronic interaction models used in air shower simulations. These measurements were crucial for the latest generation of these models. For example, they changed the predicted number of muons produced in air showers in the latest version of the SIBYLL-Model (version 2.3d) drastically."

More information can be found here:

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