Current semester
The following list shows events in which members of our group are involved. Other teachers from other working groups are listed on the corresponding Moodle page.
Block Course: Statistical Methods of Data Analysis II
Block course for Master's students of physics.
Lecture: Flavor physics in experiment and theory - particle physics II
Lecture for students of physics
Seminar: Current Topics in Experimental Particle Physics
Seminar on current topics in experimental particle physics.
Seminar: False Discoveries in Particle Physics
Seminar for Master's students of physics
Seminar: Detector systems in particle and medical physics
Seminar for Master's students of physics and medical physics
Lecture: Detectors
Lecture for students of physics and medical physics
Experimental physics II
Main lecture by Prof. Dr. Johannes Albrecht and Dr. Dominik Mitzel for bachelor students of medical physics and student teachers of physics
Advanced Laboratory course: Particle physics
Advanced laboratory course for Master's students of physics