Special colloquium: The upgraded LHCb detector at the start of Run 3: from commissioning to physics production
The LHCb experiment underwent a major upgrade during the last long shutdown in order to operate at fivefold increase in instantaneous luminosity compared to the previous runs. Among the major changes, the tracking system has been fully replaced and the readout of all subdetectors is now at 40 MHz with a fully software-based trigger.
This talk will focus on how to transition from a newly installed detector to a fully functioning and performant system in a process known as commissioning, spanning from the hardware side to reconstruction, trigger, alignment, and calibration. The preliminary performance of the detector will be presented, including subsystem-specific and global figures such as tracking reconstruction and particle identification efficiencies. In particular, the goal for this year was to reach the design operating conditions: how this was achieved and prospects for this exciting data set will be described.
Further information can be found in the Indico entry.