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Department of Physics

LHCb awards employees of Albrecht working group

Picture of Martin Bieker with selection of the Technical Award Committee (left) and picture of Alessandro Scarabotto alongside other Thesis Award winners and selection of the award committee (right) © LHCb Collaboration

During the LHCb week in Glasgow, two members of the Albrecht working group were awarded prizes for their contributions to the collaboration.

This year's external LHCb week took place in Glasgow from June 3 to 7. In addition to many specialist talks and plenty of time for discussions, the program also included a number of events to get to know Scottish culture better, as well as an award ceremony where special contributions to the collaboration were honored. Two of these awards went to employees of the Albrecht working group.

The LHCb Technical Award went to Martin Bieker for his fundamental contribution to the Beam Conditions Monitor (BCM). The BCM is the only LHCb sub-detector that was designed and built by a single institute, the TU Dortmund. The task of the BCM is to monitor the proton beams and prevent damage to the detector if a malfunction of the beams is observed.

Furthermore,  Dr. Alessandro Scarabotto was awarded the LHCb Thesis Award for outstanding dissertations, among others. During his doctorate, he worked on a search for rare four-body decays of charm hadrons with electrons in the final state. He also developed the new forward tracking algorithm for particle track reconstruction without information from the Upstream Tracker and made a significant contribution to the commissioning of the LHCb upgrade detector at the start of Run 3.

More information can be found in the CERN article.