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Department of Physics

Special colloquium: My journey in particle physics and contributions to the LHCb experiment

Start: End: Location: CP-03-123
Dr. Lucas Nicholas Falcão Ferreira will present the topic "My journey in particle physics and contributions to the LHCb experiment" on September 13.

In this presentation, I will discuss my journey in the field of particle and high-energy physics, starting with the measurements I made on the angular flux of cosmic muons. I will present my initial work on the search for CP violation in Charm Physics, specifically in the D → KKπ and D → πππ decays, and then move on to my current work on amplitude analysis in B physics, focusing on the B→ KKπ decay using the Isobar Model. Additionally, I will cover other aspects of my experience, including my time at CERN working on the SciFi Tracker and various other experiences throughout my career.

Further information can be found in the Indico entry.