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Department of Physics

Particles Colloquium: Rare charm decays D0->hhee and long tracks reconstruction for the Run3 trigger's HLT1 level

Start: End: Location: Seminarraum CP-03-123

On 05.04.2023 Alessandro Scarabotto will talk about "Rare charm decays D0->hhee and long tracks reconstruction for the Run3 trigger's HLT1 level".

Rare charm decays are a unique up-type quark probe for Flavour Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) processes. The four-body D0 decays with electrons in the final state, D0->pipiee and D0->KKee, are yet to observed and Beyond Standard Model (BSM) effects can enhance their rates and angular asymmetries. LHCb is performing the very first analysis on these decays using Run2 data. The trigger efficiency on these decays can be improved during the Run3 data taking by removing the L0 hardware trigger and selecting interesting events directly with a fully software trigger. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are used to perform the event reconstruction at the 30 MHz pp collision rate provided by the LHC. This quite demanding task requires optimized tracking algorithms with a good reconstruction efficiency meanwhile respecting tight throughput requirements. Long tracks, formed by particles traversing the full LHCb detector, are fundamental to select interesting events at LHCb and their reconstruction algorithm will be presented during the seminar.

More information can be found in the associated Moodle room.