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Department of Physics

Particles Colloquium: Event Signatures with Light-Lepton Pairs and Taus at the LHC

Start: End: Location: Seminar room CP-03-123
On 26.01.2023, Dr Andre Sopczak will speak on the topic of "Event signatures with light-lepton pairs and Taus at the LHC".

"The analysis of LHC data with a signature of a light-lepton pair and a hadronically decaying tau lepton offers many opportunities for measurements and searches for new particle. Aspects of specific analyses are discussed: the Higgs boson production in association with two top quarks and the Higgs boson mass reconstruction, searches for charged Higgs boson production, searches for leptoquark pair-production, searches for Higgs boson production in association with a single top quark and the Higgs boson mass reconstruction, and Higgs boson pair production for determining the Higgs boson self-coupling."

More information can be found here:

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